Echoes of Destiny: The Tale of BABYMETAL and the Fox God’s Blessing

Echoes of Destiny: The Tale of BABYMETAL and the Fox God's Blessing

Once upon a moonlit night, in a mystical realm beyond mortal ken, there existed a trio of singers like no other – SU-METAL, MOAMETAL and MOMOMETAL … the trio named BABYMETAL. Their voices were not chosen by fate, but by the enigmatic and ageless Fox God.

In a hidden temple deep within the heart of the forest, their destiny was entwined with the whims of the Fox God, a deity of endless cunning and wisdom. This supernatural entity, cloaked in the shadows, held the key to an ancient power that had lain dormant for eons.

The legend spoke of a prophecy, whispered by the wind and sung by the leaves. It foretold of three young girls, pure of heart and fierce of spirit, who would be bestowed with the divine gift of song. These girls, SU-METAL, MOAMETAL and MOMOMETAL would be destined to unite their voices to awaken the dormant forces of the Fox God.

Under the pale glow of the moon, the girls began their journey. Armed with their unwavering determination and the blessings of the Fox God, they ventured into the dark heart of the forest. The path was treacherous, lined with twisted trees and haunted whispers. Shadows danced, and ancient spirits watched their every step.

As they reached the heart of the forest, they found themselves in a clearing, encircled by towering trees. The Fox God materialized before them, its eyes gleaming with a mischievous spark. It demanded a test of their devotion to the art of song. SU-METAL, MOAMETAL and MOMOMETAL raised their voices and began to sing.

Their melodies echoed through the forest, shaking the very ground they stood upon. Birds sang in harmony, and the leaves rustled in time with their music. The Fox God, pleased with their performance, let out a triumphant howl that pierced the night.

In that moment, the forest came alive with ancient magic. Trees swayed to the rhythm of their voices, and animals of the night danced to their harmonies. The girls’ voices had awakened the dormant forces of the Fox God.

With a final, breathtaking note, the forest erupted in a symphony of light and sound. The Fox God bestowed upon them the power to command the elements, the strength to defy darkness, and the wisdom to guide their destiny.

From that day forward, SU-METAL, MOAMETAL and MOMOMETAL became a legendary force, wielding the power of their voices and enchanting audiences across the world. They were the chosen ones, bound by destiny to serve the Fox God and protect the balance between light and shadow in the mystical realm.

And so, the tale of SU-METAL, MOAMETAL and MOMOMETAL and their mysterious connection to the Fox God, continued to unfold in the annals of time, forever shrouded in the enigmatic mists of legend.

Thomas Alexander Kolbe